Talking about designer handbags that are worth the investment, we definitely can not stop. After a long and enjoyable journey analyzing the most popular Chanel handbags, Dior bags and the most precious Hermes bags, we decided to take another trip into the fashion world and compile a list of 21 most iconic designer handbags now.
Whether New or old, it is always a good time to invest in the most popular designer handbag, especially when talking about those who have the higher fashion status during the nineties. Accessories are (and always will be) the idioms of the fashion industry, with designer handbags being the ultimate accessory choice for any fashionista.
Given that so many fashion enthusiasts are now investing in designer handbags, we've decided to recap the most sought-after bags right now to give you an insight into the current fashion market. So, here are 21 of the most iconic designer handbags ever!
1. Hermes Kelly Bag
Introduced in 1935 and renamed in 1956, Hermes Kelly is not only one of the most sought-after Hermes bags, but also one that will fit into the Fashion history invested the most. Hard to come by (the waiting list is endless), but definitely more difficult to get rid of, the Kelly was renamed after the American-born actress became the Monaco Princess Grace Kelly, who carried her everywhere and was said to have used to hide as well , her pregnancy
2. Givenchy Antigona Duffel
The Givenchy Antigona was first introduced in the Givenchy Fall / Winter 2011 collection and has since been available in countless colors and designs available. It is one of the best designer handbags for those who always look for something simple, but practical and very elegant. You can get this iconic Givenchy bag from Net-a-Porter .
3. Chloe Drew Bag
Here we present the designer bag that has been hitherto used by countless celebrities was praised, namely the Chl o Drew Bag! It's probably the most-copied purse in the history of high-end designer handbags, and it's not that hard to understand why! Elegant and simple, it's the timeless fashion investment everyone is looking forward to, and comes in a variety of colors at Net-a-Porter .
4. Chanel 2.55 bag
Born in 1955 and 2005 thanks to fashion designer Born back to Karl Lagerfeld, the Chanel 2.55 bag is definitely one of the most famous. Probably one of the most legendary designer handbags of all time, Chanel 2.55 was named after the month (February) and year of its creation and could be considered as a sort of embodiment of fashion icon Coco Chanel Fashion. If you have already done one, make sure to treat it like a darling!
5. Fendi Baguette
Fendi Baguette is a designer bag that became known through the TV series Sex and the City , which rightly strives to be one of the fashion industry's biggest breeding grounds de Fashion Designer. Fendi Baguette Bag is, as the name implies, a small pochette that sits elegantly under each arm, like a loaf of French bread.
Designed by Silvia Venturini Fendi in 1997, it was "the first bag that was treated like a garment", it says on Vogue by Venturini Fendi, and it's probably one of the biggest comebacks in the fashion industry. Those who love collecting designer handbags can not miss them! It is available in different finishes, sizes and colors at Farfetch .
6th Legend Alexander McQueen
Alexander McQueen's legend has become a popular bag in the handbag world in recent years Also in the coming decades, never stop fashionistas too charm. It's one of those elegant and timeless designer handbags worth the investment, and it's not that hard to understand why.
7. Lady Dior Bag
Named after Princess Diana, is the Lady Dior one of the ultimate must-have handbag hen of the fashion house. Designed in 1995, Princess Diana received it as a gift from France's former First Lady Bernadette Chirac and became an instant hit as soon as the first magazine carried the Lady Lady Diana. Like the Fendi Baguette, it's one of the designer handbags that make the biggest comeback at the moment, so it's a good idea to invest in them!
8. Chanel Boy Bag
Inspired by Gabrielle" Coco "Chanel's tendency to play with masculine leitmotifs, Chanel's Boy Bag is now available in four sizes and is one of Creat's most successful styles ive Director Karl Lagerfeld. Actually very feminine and practical, it's a win-win accessory for any outfit, formal or otherwise, and it's the best fashion investment, especially for those who consider Chanel the ultimate, state-of-the-art fashion house.
9. Prada backpack
Prada's backpack launched in 1984 by Miuccia Prada evolved into the Over the years, he became the ultimate perfect designer backpack in 1987. When he looked for success and inspiration Asked behind the backpack, Miuccia Prada told the New Yorker In 1990, she wanted "the industrial way of doing things to blend with the patrimonio of the past, with the artisanal tradition." The backpack is available at Saks Fifth Avanue .
10. Gucci Jackie Bag
Originally intended as a unisex handbag , Gucci Jackie Bag was designed in the fifties and reissued in 1999 by Gucci's former creative director Tom Ford. In 2009, it was re-launched as the new Jackie by Frida Giannini, with all its versions sold out immediately. One of the best Gucci bags ever, the name comes from First Lady Jackie Kennedy, who wore her everywhere at every formal event. Choose your
11. Louis Vuitton Graffiti Bag
The most famous designer handbags include two different but equally iconic Louis Vuitton bags, nämli the graffiti and the speedy. The former was commissioned by Marc Jacobs and designed by Stephen Sprouse in 2000. Jacobs described the bag's aesthetics as an "anti-snob snobbery" and immediately became a hit when Paris Hilton began to carry her along with her sister Nicky. The graffiti is the bag that started the whole "Louis Vuitton designer handbags" madness.
12. Louis Vuitton Speedy Bag
What you may not know is that Audrey Hepburn for the popularization of Louis Vuitton's Speedy Bag is word for word. In 1965, the icon Audrey Hepburn asked Louis Vuitton to create a miniaturized version of her beloved Keepall travel bag that she loved so much and that she could wear regularly. You do not suspect that the Speedy would become one of the most sought-after designer handbags in the early 00s!
13. Yves Saint Laurent Roady Bag
The YSL Roady Bag was first on the runway for the Yves Saint Laurent Fall / Winter Show for the S Aison 2009-2010 and became famous as Gossip Girl Blake Lively decided that it was her favorite designer handbag. It's also one of Mary-Kate Olsen's favorite it-bags, making it one of the bags most likely to disappear from the shelves when they appear in a high-end vintage store.
14. Celine Luggage Tote
From all Celine handbags Luggage is the most valuable, along with the Celine Trapeze. The luggage was designed by the legendary Phoebe Philo, who gave the bags their luxurious touch in 2009. The luggage was designed as part of a "wardrobe, a practical ABC of clothing", as Philo Der Gentlemen said, and is one of the accessories that always end up in every vintage store on the shelves as early as possible.
15th Celine Trapeze Bag
A Celine handbag is always one of the best designer handbags that make an investment is worth, especially when it comes to the iconic Celine Trap eze goes. Available in a variety of colors, finishes and sizes, it features a sleek top handle and distinctive travel wings, and if you want to own one in your favorite color, be prepared to pay over $ 2300.
16. Alexander Wang The Rocco, FKA Coco
Alexander Wang is often not a big fan of accessories and, ironically, one of the most popular accessory and designer handbags. Designed in 2009, the Rocco became extremely famous as soon as the Olsens got their hands on it, often combined with rock-chic outfits. Whether you want to collect designer bags or just be a fan of glam rock styles, this bag is the way to go! Get
17. Gucci Dionysus Bag
Inspired by the myth and legend of Dionysus, Gucci's Dionysus handbag is currently the one most embracing the maximalist style of creative director Alessandro Michele. It also celebrates the heritage of Gucci in the best possible way and is the right investment for those who do not want to get rid of both worlds, namely Michele's visionary and Gucci's legendary. You can find it online at .
18th Mulberry Alexa Bag
Many first ladies and princesses inspired the fashion houses to produce their pieces to rename it during the XX century and become an it-girl Having a source of inspiration for a handbag in the XXI century was a natural consequence. Designed by Emma Hill in 2009, Mulberry's Alexa was named after icon Alexa Chung, who still wears it from time to time.
19th Stella McCartney Falabella
Stella McCartney's Falabella is certainly the most famous Jewel of the fashion house. The designer is also very important to her, because the handbag was designed especially for the respect of the environment, as it was one of the first designer handbags made of environmentally friendly, animal-free materials. It comes in different colors on .
20th Balenciaga Classic City Bag
Balenciaga's Classic City Bag is a designer Handbag, which is basically the best investment It is for everyone who enjoys playing and experimenting with watercolor effects! Urban-chic, practical and elegant, it's a great investment, perfect for any occasion, as it combines Balenciaga's high street charm with some of the coolest fashionista vibes of all the girls who wore it between the '90s and' 00s.
Designed by Nicolas Ghesquière after the lesser known Balenciaga The First Bag, Balenciagas Classic City is one of Kate Moss' absolute favorites, and it's definitely worth owning it if you're looking for something comfortable Balenciagas exudes Legacy.
"It was a new, fresh thing, but it looked like an old, good, friendly thing," said Ghesquière WWD nearly two decades ago. Get in your favorite color of Farfetch
21st Loewe Puzzle Bag
Finally, Loewe's Puzzle Bag is a Desi gner handbag, which only true pocket addicts know, but everyone will love someday. Designed by designer Jonathan Anderson, who described it as "a soft, flexible bag that moves really well", Loewes Puzzle bag "came on the market when everything was structured - it's a new language in a bag".
After a journey through the Loewe Archive, fashion designer Anderson designed Loewe's most legendary handbag, where he found an old leatherette bag that inspired one of his finest pieces. I drew the lines where it had leapt from the leather and this very abstract shape came out. I said to my assistant, "I think that's the bag!" He explained later, proving that the beauty of the fashion industry really is in the eye of the beholder. You can pick it from Farfetch .
Photos via @ bartabacmode
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